Wednesday, June 11, 2008

First (semi) completed building

The first building is now complete (in as much detail as I want it to be at this stage). A few others have been started but the Bellagio is done for now.

Here's what the real thing looks like:
(My own image, which is why it's more than a bit blurry!)

And my SketchUp version:

Although it looks a bit simple and bare at the moment there were more than a few frustrating moments when it came to the finer details. I'm happy with how it turned out though.

The next step is to use this model to experiment with the process of exporting a 3D model to Flash which isn't as straightforward as I'd like. There are a few possible ways to do this which I'm looking into. Another reason why I didn't add too much detail and colour at this stage is that some of this detail may be lost while I'm exporting it.


scrunchydude said...

Laura that looks great, well done. I am thinking maybe i should have done a 3D project as webcam detection is not fun at all.

Talk to you soon


Laura said...

I'm having fun making it - I'll be doing webcam detection too later though and I'm more than a bit scared!

scrunchydude said...

Be Afraid, Be VERY Afriad, lol. I'd love to be able to do something before the webcam thing but that is like one of my main bits. good luck with yoru work and wish me luck (cos if i can get it down i can probably give u a hand with it). Talk to u soon :D

Laura said...

Good luck and I'll see you soon!